How to Speed up WordPress Site by Converting it into Static HTML Site?

Are you tired of your WordPress website loading too slow, or getting hacked again and again? Do your visitors never come back? In today’s post we will tell you about an amazing plugin, which exports your site to static HTML. Yes, this is WP Static Site Generator Which converts, WordPress Site to Plain HTML Site. 

WP Static Site Generator Converts WordPress Site to Plain HTML Site

How to Speed up WordPress Site by Converting it into Static HTML Site?

Sometimes your web host does not allow dynamic PHP driven sites, for example Github pages. On the other hand you have strong desire to have the publishing power of WordPress. That’s where WP Static Site Generator comes in. Though there are other ways to Boost Speed of WordPress / WooCommerce. MTWebSol also offers WordPress Speed Optimization Services.

WP Static Site Generator Plugin for WordPress

This Plugin named ‘WP Static Site Generator‘, is the optimal solution for speeding up and securing your wordpress website. In order to remove WordPress traces from site, it just exports it to static HTML and creates static HTML version of your WordPress install. Thus all the problems caused by outdated WordPress version, theme or plugin are tackled. Hence WP static site generator surmounts all popular caching plugins, like W3TotalCache , WPSuperCache or WPFastestCache. WP Static Site Generator is an open source software.

How to Speed up WordPress Site by Converting it into Static HTML Site?
How to Speed up WordPress Site by Converting it into Static HTML Site?
Developer: Unknown
Price: Free

WP Static Site Generator gives your site protection from malware attack. As it does not execute any PHP or use database, the speed of website is increased. Thanks to Standalone static HTML copy of your wordpress website. Your Website gets lesser attention of hackers as WordPress signs are removed. Best thing is auto deploy to a folder on your server or a ZIP file. When exports are over desktop notifications will alert you. The real time logs are visible during and after saved export. Unattended exports are also scheduled via WP control plugin or by hitting the custom hook. For a single website, you are allowed to enjoy unlimited export targets. Multiple languages are supported.

You can publish your static site anywhere HTML files are allowed to be uploaded. Example are Rackspace Cloud Files, BunnyCDN, Dropbox, Netlify, S3/CloudFront and Any FTP server.

As stated earlier this plugin is no less than a blessing for those who want to enjoy publishing power of WordPress but their web host does not allow dynamic PHP driven web sites. You can also run your development site on a different domain or offline. The plugin itself will change all relevant URLs when you publish your site. When you will hit the publish button, it will output a ZIP file of your entire website. It is ready to go and upload on its new home.

Sometimes, you may encounter an issue of failing export. You can adjust settings in plugin to overcome. If it does not help you can contact the developers. Send them your contents of Exports Log.

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How to Speed up WordPress Site by Converting it into Static HTML Site?

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