
Best Keyword Tool Chrome & Firefox Extension for Website SEO Research

There is no bigger blunder than launching a website with zero keyword research. Keyword research holds great importance in website building and its ranking. When you optimize your website for search engines you need keywords to optimize website for. If you want more people to visit your, read your content or buy the products than you really need to know what people are searching on Google and optimize your site accordingly. There are lot of different tools available for keyword research. In this post we will check the Google Chrome  or Firefox Extension named as “Keywords Everywhere“.

Keyword Tool Chrome Extension is the best alternative of Google Keyword Planner and other Keyword Research Tools.

Best Keyword Tool Chrome & Firefox Extension for Website SEO Research

Keywords Everywhere Tool Chrome Extension

Keywords Everywhere Tool Firefox Extension

Best Keyword Tool Chrome & Firefox Extension for Website SEO Research
Best Keyword Tool Chrome & Firefox Extension for Website SEO Research
Developer: Axeman Tech
Price: Free


Keyword Tool Chrome Extension for Best Keyword Research for SEO

Best Keyword Tool Chrome & Firefox Extension for Website SEO Research


The free version of keyword tool generates more than 750 long-tail keyword suggestions for every search term.


Keyword Tool is much more reliable than a lot of other tools like Keyword Planner as it works 99.9% of the time.


You can use keyword tool without any cost. You do not even need to create any account.


Just enter the keyword, and Keyword Tool will tell you a lot about it. It will provide you huge handful of long-tail keyword opportunities, organized alphabetically. You will discover thousands of new long-tail keywords related to any topic by automatically generating Google’s search suggestions. These keyword suggestions will be produced based on a Google domain and language that you choose.

5. CPC 

CPC stands for cost per click. This is the amount you recieve on per click. Keyword tool will also tell you about the CPC of keyword. It will be very handy,when you run pay per click advertising  campaigns and target your ads based on keywords that users type in Google.


Another good feature of keyword tool is that it also tells you about the competition level of keyword between zero and one. Less than 0.4 is considered to be easy competition and these keywords are good choice. If it is more than or equal to 0.6 you should probably not opt that keyword. It would make your content hard to get ranked on Google.


Volume means how many times that keyword is typed on Google in a month. Thanks to Keyword Tool you can get to know the monthly volume of Keyword Tool as well.


Many leading companies use KeywordTool to find long-tail and related keywords.


Google Search uses feature named Google Autocomplete. The purpose is to speed up the searches performed by users on Google.Keyword Tool uses Google Autocomplete to generate hundreds of relevant long-tail keywords for any topic.

10. Multilingual

In case you are searching for keywords in languages other than English, you can still benefit from Keyword Tool’s features. They allow you to pull keywords from 192 Google domains and use 83 Google language interfaces to generate keyword suggestions. That’s how we ensure that generated keywords will be relevant to the country and/or language that you are creating content for.

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